IoT solutions for food safety

At Albird, we develop IoT systems to allow you to ensure food safety at your business in a convenient manner.

We do this by providing you with an automated system to remotely monitor temperatures in your refridgerators. Thanks to our system, you'll never have to spend time manually checking temperatures again!

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Why choose Albird?

Save time

By using the Albird Temperature Monitor, you won't have to manually measure your refridgerators' temperatures anymore. This could save you hours of work every week!

Easy to use

Ease of use was Albird's first priority while developing this system. We've made it so simple that you won't even need a technician to install it. Instead, you can get started by yourself within a few minutes!


For just five Euros per sensor per month, you'll get to sleep easy at night knowing that the Albird Temperature Monitor is watching over your food products.